
Hilda Terry

The creator of this website, Mewdusa, was... wait this is just another pseudonym! And is that a freaking Roblox avatar?! yes. I could show my 'real' face and name but the only benefiet would be to SWAT-ters. I don't have a 'real' identity. Putting my face on this website will be meaningless because in the real world my face is just one in a crowd. I'm a background character who's pretending to be a protagonist.

Even online I tried to climb the nonexistant social ladder to become someone popular and still languished in obscurity. Then, I realized I don't want to be famous, now I'm thriving in obscurity!

This art piece isn't meant to turn me into a household name, merely doccument the life of three fairly normal kid's lifes in the 2020s because art is one of the ways history is preserved. The reason we think Ninjas wear all black is because of Kabuki theater, to give an example. Because we three are so distant from our society I fear we one day will be completely forgotten, so if this story remains, some part of our story will, too.